The world’s most popular vegetable oil
Palm oil is used in most consumer goods. It has been linked to many environmental, animal and human rights
violations yet companies continue to use this particular oil in everything from laundry detergent to snacks and lipstick and soap.
The palm oil industry plays a large rule in human-induced climate change as palm oil plantations have cleared some of the worlds most precious, carbon-capturing forests. For instance, in the last few years, more than 30 percent of Indonesia’s reported carbon emissions were the result of deforestation. Scientists predict that the fragile orangutan population could become extinct within our lifetime if we continue to destroy their home and natural habitats for palm oil plantations.
Orangutans are not the only animals that are at risk of extinction
Among the 3.7 million people work in the palm oil industry, and thousands are child laborers forced to work. The best thing what we can do to ensure that we are not contributing to these injustices with the products we buy is by starting our own boycott of palm oil.
Panna Soap products are proudly ‘orangutan friendly’ and ‘New Zealand made’.